Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Phonology in Second Language

This article explains the association between phonology and the second language acquisition. It is an important issue because, in phonology, difficulties are found in pronouncing words for some people who learn language as a second language. These are because of the second language learned has different rules from the first one, however, the interchange of words happens in the languages involved.
All languages have syntactic, vocabulary, and prononciation systems distinct. Besides, there are another important factors facilitates the phonological success in second language acquisition, such as language ego dan the age of the learners. Exceeding maturity, the ability to acquire his/her second language and forth will decrease, and the longer the exceeding maturity the more difficult the phonological success. In fact, the adults tend to look at someone uses the same language.
The second language practice will be much more easier if both languages, the first and the second, have the same characteristic in syntactic, vocabulary, and phonology. The word sounds problem is the typical ones, since every language has their own vocal systems distinct and the fact that not all of word sounds can be write down into alphabetic system.

Keywords: Phonology in second language
by: Sigit Prawoto (French Department UNIBRAW)

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